Other equipment available to users
Our chemical laboratory has some useful equipment available to users. This is partial list, if you need something, ask staff first. Keep in mind, that if you bring your own equipment (which is good idea!) it needs to be first electrically inspected before it can be used. Allow time for that.
1. Sonicator Cole-Parmer 8893
2. Balance Denver Instruments M-2200
3. Heating/stir plates:
4. DI water supply
5. Furnaces/owens
The first one is drying owen, up to 130 deg C.
Air ceramic furnace Vulcan 3-550.
This equipment is available after prior arrangement
Our next door beamline has chemical laboratory with some useful equipment. Primarily this serves their users, but when available, we can arrange our users to use these also. Contact staff before your experiment (before you come) to arrange use of this equipment. NOTE: this is only when available, no guarantees.